delaware receives Customer Experience Partner of the Year Award 2021

Apr 06, 2022

On April 5, delaware received the SAP Customer Experience Partner of the Year Award 2021. The Awards were presented by SAP to the best performing SAP partners who have made outstanding contributions to driving the digital transformation of SAP customers.

The CX solutions that we have successfully implemented last year were the deciding factor on winning this Award. It shows that over the years, we have matured in implementing these solutions. Winning this Award is this icing on the cake of that success. It is an honorable mention that motivates us to continue on this path so that we can receive another award next year. 

“With pride and my highest appreciation for the Delaware SAP CX team, with their in-depth knowledge of the solution and their Business Acumen focused on the outcome for the customer” – Roel Winter, Managing Director delaware Nederland

CX Partner of the Year Award 2021