Information Management

Information Management

Creating the best employee experience

From sharing documents with colleagues, to asking HR a question, to managing projects – employees perform a wide variety of activities in their daily jobs. Many employees, however, struggle with finding information and collaborating and communicating across multiple channels, even more so when working remotely. We build them a better digital workplace, backed by a personalized hub that acts as a unique entry point to all of their tools, knowledge, documents, company news and services, meetings and to-do’s. The result? Efficient and engaged employees, who can truly focus on their core tasks.

Bringing structure to the unstructured

Today, up to 80% of all enterprise information is unstructured. That’s a shame, because when people can access the right information at the right time, they can make the right decisions. We help organizations to bring structure to chaos. How can they efficiently capture, create and manage their information? By making sure their information is linked to their business processes.   If we can speed up the process, then that’s a win in our book.

Building a digital library

An overload of digital information, yet so little time to store it correctly! Sure there must be a better way for companies to unify customer data, manage their product information and digital assets? We give our customers a Single Source of Truth: a centralized, easily accessible platform that houses all of the client’s data. A well-managed digital library makes life easier for both marketing, sales and product development.  The result? Our customers can offer their customers accurate information through each and every channel.

did you know that the average employee spends nearly 20% of their working time – 1.8 hours a day – searching and gathering information

A playground for consultants

Information management technology evolves quickly. Curious to see which are our favorite tools?

  • Microsoft Teams and Power Platform: Lots of organizations now realize that their Digital Workplace should be a place where people can connect, collaborate, be informed, find and share knowledge. We find it exciting to see what Microsoft has in store for the future in terms of integrations, bots, artificial intelligence, automation and natural language processing.
  • OpenText: We show customers how to bridge the gap between their enterprise information and their business processes. That’s why our consultants have both business process knowledge and a feel for IT.
  • CDP, PIM and DAM systems: If you’re in marketing, you’ll know there is a mountain of (digital) information that requires a place of its own. We use Customer Data Platform (CDP), Product Information Management (PIM) and Digital Asset Management (DAM) tools to bring structure to chaos. 

Jobs in Information Management

meet the team

Jan Courtheyn

Senior consultant Single Source of Truth
Information Management lies at the heart of many digitalization projects. We’re the experts. When a customer says ‘A’, in our heads, we’re already thinking about how we’ll be doing ‘B’ and ‘C’. That’s what I call passion!

Lesly Janssens

Solution lead Information Management
Our team really goes the extra mile. With us, you’ll experiment, you’ll fail, you’ll try again, and you’ll grow. When work feels like play, that’s when you know you’ve made the right choice.

Stan Vanneste

Manager Digital Workplace
The three Hs of the Digital Workplace team: we’re Humble, Hungry for tech and have a good sense of Humor. If you’re a team player, you’ll definitely fit in!

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