Software is in our DNA

Jan 28, 2020

Do you think development is the right area for you to focus on as a junior technical consultant? Great, but what could you actually end up doing at delaware as a junior developer? We thought it best to let one of our developers who stood in your shoes, tell you his story on why he chose to kick off his career at delaware:

"Hey! My name is Arne & in September 2019 I started as a developer at delaware. If you would join delaware, chances are we’ll work together!"

A day in the life of a Junior Developer

Meet Arne

Rewind to last year, when Arne Vlietinck started his delaware adventure as a junior technical consultant. Arne works as a full-stack developer in the Omni-Channel Experience team, one of the many development teams we have at delaware. In this team, he gets the opportunity to contribute to the implementation of known solutions within our team. Arne has been quite the busy bee: he already worked on 2 different implementation projects, with each project spanning 3-6 months.  

A typical day

Ready, set, go: the first thing Arne does when he arrives at work is open Outlook. Next, he checks DevOps where he can find the sprint planning with assigned tasks for everyone within a project. He attends the daily stand-up meeting with the team, where various kinds of questions are discussed (‘What did I do yesterday?’, ‘What’s the plan for today?’, ‘Are there any issues or problems?’, ...).Then he starts implementing his tasks. After the implementation and testing, it’s time to update the backlog and change the task to the correct status (solved, completed, in progress, ...). Since we are working for the customer, we also have a weekly update with them and after every sprint (usually every 3 weeks) there is a sprint demo.

Arne’s team

So, what can Arne tell us about his team? “In general, we are well represented in every delaware office. There is a healthy mix of juniors and seniors and we usually work together on a project with about 4 to 5 people. On every project, I have been well supported by a senior colleague.” When asked if consultants have to travel a lot, Arne says: “The answer depends on the project; some clients want you to work at their office (depending on their remote work policy), others offer the possibility to work remotely from a delaware office or from home.”

And is there a good atmosphere, both at work and after hours? “Check and check! For example, we have Forza delaware, a futsal team, which competes against other company teams or friends for an hour every two weeks.”

Training, learning and coaching

Every junior consultant kicks off his or her delaware journey by participating in the so-called Analyst Boot Camp, an intensive 6-week track packed with trainings and workshops. Then, on every project, a junior works together with a senior in order to master the different techniques and best practices. Arne believes that knowledge sharing is key: “We communicate with each other via Microsoft Teams, where we have separate teams depending on the specific functions. This way, we share tips and tricks, technological developments, team updates and so on.”

What’s next?

“I look forward to continuing to grow as a developer within the Digital Workplace team. I want to broaden my knowledge about the latest development techniques and best practices in my field, in order to support others in their projects within delaware.”

Tips & tricks

To conclude, Arne wanted to share some insights he has gained during his first year at delaware:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions: everyone is very helpful if they see that you have already tried different things but couldn’t find a solution.
  • Participate in team events/delaware events: they are the perfect way to get to know other team members/colleagues (who live/work elsewhere) better and to learn more about them in a different setting.

Did Arne’s story appeal to you?

Here are a few of the solutions you can be involved in as a junior developer, but feel free to take a tour around our website to find even more:

You can find out more about us on our website and blogs. This way, you can get a sense of what it’s like to work for us here, but we’re even nicer in real life! Come see us in Ghent, Antwerp, Wavre, Kortrijk, Lummen or Liège.Virtual Reality

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