webinar: Boost cyberresilience and quality with DevSecOps

webinar: Boost cyberresilience and quality with DevSecOps

webinar DevSecOps

21 June, 2022
Requirements and expectations for applications keep rising, systems become increasingly complex and interconnected, and cybercrime is at an all-time high. The need for a new development framework emerges. Enter DevSecOps: an agile approach to development that ‘shifts’ security all the way to the earliest stages of the development cycle – and makes it the whole team’s responsibility.


DevSecOps stands for ‘development, security and operations’, and its core idea is pretty simple: guaranteeing application security from the earliest stages of the development lifecycle, and making it a shared responsibility for all involved. Making this possible requires high levels of automation, as well as a significant mental shift for most teams.

Check out our recent blog post about DevSecOps for more information. 

what to expect?

Building cyber resilience… while improving quality and speed. 

In this webinar, we’ll take a deep dive into what DevSecOps is, how it came to be, and most importantly, what it means for your team. In addition, we’ll explore:

    • the crucial role of automation in a successful DevSecOps implementation;
    • the key advantages of the DevSecOps framework, including improved cybersecurity, faster speed-to-delivery, and continuous improvement;
    • the biggest pitfalls for organizations to internalize the DevSecOps mentality, and how to overcome them. 

At the end of the session, we will set aside some time to answer your most burning questions. Don’t miss out!

webinar info

Tuesday 21 June, 2022 from 11 AM to 12 PM 

webinar language: English

meet our speakers

Alex Bossuyt

Business Sales Cloud Enablement & Operations
Alex is Line Of Business Sales for the Cloud Enablement & Operations team, 
focusing on enabling businesses to leverage on cloud platforms and supporting service models.

Joachim Dheedene

Senior Consultant
Joachim is senior consultant in the Microsoft Cloud team with a focus on Azure, Containers and DevOps practices. 

Wouter Hemercyk

Security and architecture expert
Do you have questions on how to protect your enterprise systems? Then you should connect with Wouter. He can help you create secure systems that are great for the people and the business behind it.