SAP CodeJam

SAP CodeJam

February 19, 2024

SAP is coming to our office with a CodeJam 

A SAP CodeJam brings together developers and experts to collaboratively explore and learn about specific SAP technologies, in this case SAP Build

This is an all new SAP CodeJam event for SAP Build and will give you a hands-on experience with SAP Build for building apps and business processes without coding (Low Code/No Code). 

What can you expect?

  • You will get to know the environment by creating a business app, a business process, a desktop automation, and will also demo business site in which you can embed the app.
  • You will get to know the SAP Buildlobby, where you access all your SAP Build artifacts, and get a deeper understanding of the following topics:
    • SAP Build Apps
    • SAP Build Process Automation
    • SAP Build Work Zone

Are you a developer and interested in this event? Register then now! 

practical info & registration

Event address: delaware – Blue Tower 1 (4th floor), Sluisweg 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium 

Timing & Date: Monday February 19 - from 9 AM - 5 PM

🍜 Lunch will be provided

in cooperation with