Framework pour SAP Integration Suite

Framework pour SAP Integration Suite

Le package idéal pour démarrer tout projet d'intégration, quel que soit sa taille
Framework reduce development and design efforts by using template approach and precisely designed components processes
Framework supports different processing functionality out of the box
delaware framework is adapted to all editions and versions of the Integration suite
Integration framework provides tools for the standardized development approach for all types of the interfaces

Un framework précisément conçu pour tout type de projet d'intégration, soutenu par une documentation et des modèles. 

Notre framework permet une meilleure gestion des : 

  • Alertes 
  • Erreurs 
  • Rejeux 
  • Messages 
  • Logs 
  • Delta 
  • Aggrégations 
  • Traitements synchrones / asynchrones 
  • … 
Full Edition

Full package edition.

  • € 5K

    One time fee

What is included?
  • delaware Integration Framework for the selected Integration Suite type
  • Documentation and developer guidelines
  • Development templates
What is not included?
  • Customization and customer specific plug in for the framework are subjects for the separate projects
  • Development of the custom templates
  • Additional retry functionality in addition to the existing one
INEOS Automotive

contact our expert

Rafael Tadeu

Rafael Tadeu

Rafael is an experienced SAP integration architect and BTP architect with experience in multiple industries for 15+ years. He combines a innovative solutions with a pragmatic approach which is greatly appreciated by customers and his peers.

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