SAP Extended Warehouse Management Consultant

SAP, supply chain & operations, beaucoup d'experience, consultant·e

As an SAP Platinum Partner, delaware strives to keep pace with all new developments within SAP. In many fields, SAP is busy upgrading and renewing (consider, for instance, SAP S/4 HANA and Fiori). SAP EWM is part of that. Whether it is a greenfield implementation or an upgrade, we - delaware - are fully embracing SAP EWM as it has reached cruising speed. We have have 10+ years' experience in EWM in different industries and complexities (including MFS). Over the next years, a lot of customers will need to migrate from WM to EWM or will be investing in a dedicated WMS. To ensure all this runs smoothly, we need your help!

delaware is enforcing its ‘center of competence’ around SAP’s new EWM software. Committing now to EWM means that a rush of technically interesting projects will be coming your way. So are you our next SAP EWM Consultant?

what will you be doing?

  • As SAP EWM Consultant you are involved in projects from start to finish: analysis, blueprinting, customizing, user documentation, training, go-live and hypercare.
  • Depending on your seniority you will coach junior colleagues.
  • Projects happen in widely-differing sectors and industries.
  • You will work both on ‘greenfield’ implementations and on change-over projects (an existing system is being replaced or updated by SAP EWM).
  • Projects are always done in close cooperation with our customers. You'll spend some of your time on the customer’s premises, to ensure customer proximity. The rest of the time you are more than welcome at one of our regional offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Liège, Waver or Lummen. It is important to us that you get to know your delaware colleagues. Working from home is also part of the flexibility we offer.
  • The possibility of working abroad, but only if that appeals to you.

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Olena Khidirova

Who are we?

delaware is an international key player in the fields of consultancy and business software package implementation services. We are the current market leader in Belgium when it comes to SAP implementation, active in a wide range of industries (manufacturing, pharma, chemicals, food, and more).    
As #peopleofdelaware, our teams truly put our core values into practice: we take care of our employees and customers, we are committed, enterprising and respectful, and do everything in a positive team spirit
delaware Belux has its offices in Ghent, Antwerp, Kortrijk, Lummen, Liège, Wavre, and Luxemburg, but we also spend time working together at our customers’ site. We believe that a good balance consists in at least a half-time onsite at one of the office or at the customer’s combined with some home-working.         

Is there a match?

  • Ideally you already have a solid experience as an EWM consultant. Do you have 3 years+ experience within SAP WM and do you want to transition to EWM? Or do you already have a first SAP EWM experience as an internal employee? Then we would be happy to get to know you too.
  • Are you fluent in Dutch or French and do you get your messages across loud and clear in English too?
  • Not only are you experienced in customizing but you’re also able to understand the business- and warehousing needs of widely-differing clients in diverse sectors.
  • You are able to translate business needs to the right analysis / ICT architecture / implementation / documentation / and training.
  • You share our vision and values. We are proud of our upstanding corporate culture with regular team meetings and teambuilding activities. We take care of our employees and customers, we are dedicated, enterprising and respectful, and do everything in a positive team spirit.

Let's meet up!

You can find out more about us on our website. You can get a sense of what it’s like to work for us here

Are you keen to help us grow our SAP Warehousing team?

Click the Apply Now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners. 

notre jobs

processus de recrutement

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