Business Readiness Scan

Business Readiness Scan

For companies or organizations that want to allocate the effort and resources to those activities that generate the highest return on their project investment
Impactful transformation projects with significant cost don't realize the expected benefits.
Project budgets often go to less valuable activities, and actions aren't adjusted to meet project needs.
Transformation projects start with wrong assumptions about readiness, impact, alignment, data quality, communication,...
  • Offering an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly survey tool for answering the questions with a limited time investment of your people and with a concrete action plan.
  • Consisting of 36 questions, with a scoring from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree)
    Divided into the 6 LOOCKS building blocks, based on our experience in handling transformation projects
  • Enabling you to identify the appropriate actions and quick wins, thanks to your personalized business readiness dashboard
Business Readiness Scan for SME
Price on demand

Contact us for a customized pricing

What is included?
  • Survey
  • Personalized dashboard with results and action plan
  • Standard fee for medium size customers with maximum 50 respondents
Business readiness scan for large enterprises
Price on demand

Contact us for a customized pricing

What is included?
  • Survey
  • Personalized dashboard with results and action plan
  • For larger customers pricing needs to be tailored to the scope and complexity of the project. In that case please contact IP owner for tailored pricing.

contact our expert

Johan Reunis

Johan Reunis

Johan has over 25 years of experience in various roles ranging from finance/controlling over process optimizations to more recently focus on project and change management. Constant factor in each of these roles is a close connection to the operational and business activities of the organizations where he has managed change and transformation projects. As a result of his deep belief that people are the most crucial factor for the success of any transformation project, he has focused on expanding his knowledge and experience in that domain. In his view the mission of the change management team is to create the optimal environment to support the people in the organization through the transformation. This is the only way to make an organization change ready for the current VUCA environment.

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Please be informed that each pricing plan provided on this website or on other media is purely indicative and not binding. The contractual terms and conditions for the use of our solutions can be requested through the contact form available on this website. This request will not constitute the conclusion of an agreement.