delaware Integration Monitor

delaware Integration Monitor

For organizations with an integration solution that want to enable business users for monitoring
  • Messages: view source and target content of interface messages
  • Download: single and/or multi interface messages
  • Export metadata messages to Excel csv file
  • Business View: display human readable report of interface messages
  • End-to-End: display status of interface messages (middleware layer + receiving application)
  • Reprocessing: resend interface messages
  • Cloud: runs in a Microsoft Azure Subscription
  • User Management: AAD and ADFS (two roles – admin & normal user)
  • Alerting: alert notifications via e-mail/webhook (triggerd on interface processing status/thresholds)
  • Exceptions: display encountered interface exceptions
  • Authorization: authorization for dIM users on interface message level
  • Filters: set online and pre-defined filters on sender/receiver/message type/datetime/reference keyfields/status
  • Storage: dIM monitoring data is stored in SQL DB (BLOB storage for the payloads is also possible) – retention of messages can be configured via a front-end config panel
Rode kruis
The cookware company
Arcelor Mittal
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