Synergrid and delaware are building the IoT energy platform of tomorrow

Oct 18, 2020
  • press release

Synergrid and delaware are the first to go live in Europe with mFRR (Manual Frequency Restoration Process) and aFRR (Automatic Frequency Restoration Process) processes, thanks to a cloud platform for an Internet of Things (IoT) solution that monitors the amount of energy activated on the grid by these two services. To do so, the solution captures data from all product delivery points every four seconds (aFRR). As energy production becomes more decentralized, it is increasingly challenging to efficiently settle and control the energy delivered in the context of aFRR and mFRR services. The platform will give all stakeholders a better and more accurate overview. 

Synergrid's task is to represent the common interests of network operators in Belgium, a group that consists of the TSOs responsible for the transmission of electricity and natural gas, and the DSOs, which are responsible for the distribution of electricity and gas.

delaware supports Synergrid in hosting and maintaining a real-time communication platform and flexibility hub on Microsoft Azure. The 5-year deal includes implementation and managed services. For this multi-year project, delaware is partnering with NVISO for security and MongoDB for database services.

Yoeri Coessens, partner at delaware Belux, says: “After concluding successful projects for Fluvius and De Watergroep, we’re very glad to embark on this IoT journey with Synergrid. In an increasingly complex and challenging energy landscape, technological platforms are an absolute necessity to ensure energy continuity. We look forward to building this next-gen solution for Synergrid.”

Bérénice Crabs, secretary general at Synergrid, adds: “In our ongoing quest for continuity and transparency towards all of our partners, this IoT cloud platform will soon be part of system operators’ IT systems and central in meeting evolutions and challenges in the changing energy market. It will enable us to perform our duties even better, improve contact between system operators and take our services to all stakeholders to the next level.”

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