Stay ahead of the game with these marketing automation trends

Sep 21, 2023
  • sales, marketing and service

In a world where efficiency and personalization reign, marketing technology has become the driving force behind (digital) success. It’s crucial for businesses to stay on top of current trends, tools and strategies to remain competitive in today’s ever-evolving and highly competitive marketing landscape. Are you keeping up? Don’t ignore marketing automation trends and solutions if outperforming your competitors is on your to do-list.

The future of marketing is now: game-changing marketing trends and solutions 

Organizations that keep track of altering marketing trends and technology and adapt their strategies accordingly can foster meaningful customer relationships, drive remarkable growth and outshine competitors. Innovative marketing tools empower companies to connect with their target audience more effectively and easily, while also offering a personalized customer experience. Here are some of the latest marketing trends and solutions that are most likely here to stay.

breakfast session: mastering marketing automation

Are you looking for ways to maximize the impact of your B2B or B2C marketing initiatives? delaware empowers organizations to spice up their marketing activities through Salesforce marketing automation solutions. Join us at our Salesforce marketing automation breakfast session on October 10, in Ghent.

1. Personalization: a tailored approach for every customer

One-size-fits-all marketing approaches and solutions are outdated. Today's ever-so-demanding consumers expect personalized experiences that resonate with their preferences and needs . They want to be approached as unique individuals, not just as users or prospects. Fortunately, numerous tools can help organizations leverage data and AI-driven insights to customize messaging, offers and recommendations for individual customers.

  • There are several tools that optimize email marketing campaigns, using machine learning algorithms to analyze recipient behavior and engagement patterns, enabling marketers to send emails at opportune times. This personalized approach improves email deliverability, open rates and overall campaign effectiveness. 
  • There are other solutions that effortlessly create a personalized customer experience across every touchpoint. Track, visualize and manage customer interactions in a centralized, individual profile and drive valuable engagement at the right moment and just the way your customer prefers.

2. AI chatbots: transforming customer engagements

Conversational marketing  is booming. Modern customers expect one-on-one interactions and conversations with brands they love. That’s why you can’t ignore AI chatbots right now. AI-powered chatbots handle customer inquiries, provide real-time support and offer personalized recommendations, reducing response times and offering 24/7 customer support. Are you also entering the chat soon?

  • Chat-based CRM bots perform sales, marketing and service tasks based on simple questions or detailed instructions. No code involved. From adding contacts, over creating custom reports or summarizing marketing automation data to drafting personalized marketing messages and emails: managing your CRM just got a lot easier.
  • Other solutions enable online stores to provide better shopping experiences. Using advanced technology to understand what shoppers are looking for, their purchase history and browsing behavior, they suggest products they might like and purchase. What’s more, they help customers make informed buying decisions by answering questions and giving detailed product information. The tool also allows users to track orders, modify shipping details or handle returns and exchanges directly through the chatbot interface. Yes, the future of e-commerce is here too.

3. Generative content creation: AI-powered creativity unleashed

The power of AI has also unlocked a new era of content creation. With generative AI tools, businesses can generate captivating content, such as product descriptions, blog posts, images, advertisements and videos, in a flash. These tools employ AI algorithms and predefined parameters to automate the content creation process, saving time and resources so you can get the most out of your marketing efforts.

4. Omnichannel customer experience: seamlessly connected touchpoints

As the world is more connected than ever before, customers expect a seamless omnichannel experience. Omnichannel marketing ensures consistent, seamless experiences across various channels, whether it's through websites, social media, mobile apps or physical stores.

5. Customer data platforms and predictive models: unifying insights for growth

By now, you understand that data is the most important piece of the marketing puzzle. In today’s hyperconnected world, the number of data sources is on the rise and central customer data platforms (CDP) have become essential. These platforms gather customer data from various channels and harmonize it into a single, yet dynamic source of truth

Considering the rising importance of privacy and the phase-out of third-party data, gathering first-party customer data is the only way forward for marketers. Most software vendors already offer first-party data tracking by now. In addition, customer surveys are also increasingly being used to collect valuable first-party data. Predictive models, driven by machine learning, help fill the data gaps and take data analysis to another level. 

  • ‘Predictive audiences’ in Google Analytics 4 helps you classify what actions website or app visitors will likely take in the next 7 days, enabling you to take targeted steps.

Ready to embrace the transformative power of marketing technology and automation?

With more than 15 years of experience in business, marketing, and the technologies that drive both, delaware is uniquely positioned to help you with your marketing endeavors. Whether you’re just starting to explore the wonders of personalized marketing or looking for ways to step up your game and become more effective: our experts have the know-how and hands-on mentality to guide you along the way.

We offer a wide range of marketing technology solutions. Each of the products within the delaware landscape has their own marketing automation solution:

breakfast session: mastering marketing automation

Are you looking for ways to maximize the impact of your B2B or B2C marketing initiatives? delaware empowers organizations to spice up their marketing activities through Salesforce marketing automation solutions. Join us at our Salesforce marketing automation breakfast session on October 10, in Ghent.

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