Senior Talent Acquisition

RH technology, fonctions de support, un peu d'experience, service support

When you think of recruitment, do you picture yourself dashing from one interview to the next, working your way through a list of standard questions just because that’s ‘the way things are done’?

If so, we’re sorry to have to disappoint you. We don’t believe in a standard approach, because every candidate is different. Not only that – we also want you to feel right at home with us and be able to flourish. Especially in view of delaware’s growth, you play a crucial role and you receive lots of freedom and ownership.

Our recruiters guide not only the candidates but also the company itself through the entire candidate journey. Even in the huge pool of talent and in our challenging sector, they never lose their way.

Considering we anticipate hiring 200+ new colleagues this year alone, you’ll be quite busy. Nonetheless, we also want you to play an impactful role and participate in our recruitment activities and a wide variety of strategic recruitment projects, along with your experienced HR colleagues.

What will you be doing?

  • You coach your candidates throughout their entire candidate journey – from (active) recruitment, to pre-screening, during the interviews and right through to the end of the process. In fact, it doesn’t even stop there: you’ll also be involved in onboarding, employee integration and many more domain HR related matters.
  • Do you dare to ask prickly questions? Great! In fact, we encourage that, although it’s important to us that you always do so with the utmost integrity and fairness. You’re a dependable business partner
  • You will play a role in a broad spectrum of HR-related projects. Our team works in line with agile methodology, so you can launch new and original ideas with minimal risk.
  • Do you believe that it’s about quality rather than quantity? So do we. That’s why you’ll gain access to a whole array of tools and gadgets for researching the market, such as LinkedIn Recruiter Accounts and other software solutions. Recruitment is one of the things delaware prides itself on – and rightly so.
  • Having an interest in technology will help you to feel at home in our industry. Even more importantly, you have a ‘sixth sense’ for good consulting skills, since that will enable you to quickly grasp what a particular team is looking for.

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Contacter Paula sur LinkedIn

Paula Montes - Recruiter

Who are we?

We are vibrant team! To us, recruitment is not just about filling positions, it's about providing candidates with the best possible candidate experience and helping delaware scale their workforce in the long term. Our mission is to access talent. 

As onboarding experts, we ensure a soft landing and smooth integration for new #peopleofdelaware.

Being HR sparring partners for the business, we are eager to play central roles in senior recruitment (A-Z), employer branding, HR projects, and innovations. Needless to say, we are passionate about our jobs

Is there a match?

Are you ready to take up your spot in the most dynamic recruitment team on Earth (at least, we’d like to think so). Let’s see:

  • Do you have at least 4 years of experience in recruitment and selection?
  • Are you a great communicator in Dutch and/or French and English?
  • Does working flexibly come natural to you? 
  • Do you believe that company values make a difference? We take care of our employees and customers, we are committed, enterprising and respectful, and we do everything based on a positive team spirit.
  • Would working from our offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Lummen, Kortrijk or Wavre work for you?

Looking back over how we’ve just outlined the role we must admit it sounds pretty good. If we didn’t work here already, we’d apply for this vacancy ourselves 😊. Have we sparked your enthusiasm too? If so, you should definitely come and see us! You can learn more about delaware’s recruitment process over a cup of coffee.

Let's meet up!

Are you keen to help us grow our Recruitment & Onboarding team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners.

notre jobs

processus de recrutement

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