DEL20: An ecosystem of Innovation

Welcome to Tomorrow

Witness the worlds of technology and business collide

First launched in 2017, we conceived DEL20 to be a co-creation ecosystem between our customers and us. We want to bring together our customers across industries and provide a space for innovation and experimenting. This will allow sharing of best practices, bringing the business and IT closer together.

  • Knowledge Sharing: Exchange knowledge and experiences with peers on their journey with emerging technology
  • Non-competitive Environment: We want to facilitate open discussions and will only enrol participants without conflicts
  • Technology Watch: Stay at the forefront of technology and learn how it can unlock value for you and your organisation
  • Networking: Connect with professionals across industries and work to eliminate similar operational challenges

What to expect?

Network with professionals across industries. Exchange insights and explore the use cases of emerging technology at the modern workplace. Participants will get the chance to present ideas of how their organisation can use emerging technology to add value to current business processes. The winning ideas will walk away with SGD25,000 worth of professional service from us. The experts at delaware will explore the winning ideas and develop the 'proof-of-concepts' to meet businesses' needs and visualise how emerging technology will play a part in their organisation.

How do I qualify?

Due to safe-management measures, we will limit the number of participants for the physical sessions. To create a space for open discussion, we will screen and enrol our participants based on a non-competitive basis (i.e. There will not be a conflict for participants representing their organisations)

Who should be involved?

While we understand that CIOs are the foremost subject experts in technology projects, we highly encourage business owners/department managers to participate in DEL20. This way, we can learn about business units' concerns or challenges on the ground with support from technology experts.

DEL20: An ecosystem of Innovation

DEL20 Singapore 2021

  • 29 April, Kick-off session
  • May, Experiment Fair 
  • July, Innovation Café
  • November, Showcase

Is there any cost involved?

DEL20 is free of charge for all participants; the only thing we ask is your involvement in the sessions. Should your idea be selected, we hope you can spend some time with our consultants to understand any current business issues or challenges.

Any other questions?

Please drop an email to for further clarifications.