ClimateCamp: the collaborative sustainability platform for managing supply chain emissions

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time, and it requires a collective effort from everyone to mitigate its effects. In this context, companies have a crucial role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a sustainable future. However, up to 90% of a company's emissions come directly from their supply chain, and it can be challenging to track and manage these emissions. This is where ClimateCamp comes in – a SaaS company that offers a collaborative platform for companies to manage and track the greenhouse gas emissions of their supply chain.

Pave the way to a sustainable future  

Stijn Gysemans, CEO of ClimateCamp, explains where the platform fills in the gaps“Often, companies rely on broad industry averages to estimate their carbon footprintbut to be honest, these are not precise. ClimateCamp provides a platform that offers real insights. Our platform makes it easy for companies to connect with their suppliers, collaborate, and accurately map out their Scope 3 emissions*Suppliers can share their carbon footprint, goals, and action plans, providing valuable insights for companies to make informed decisions. Let's establish a positive relationship with them and see this as an opportunity for growth and progress. 

We are proud to say that we have partnered with 40% of the top 20 largest Belgian breweries, meaning that a significant portion of Belgian beer runs through our platform.
Stijn Gysemans - CEO, ClimateCamp

How would you describe your relationship with ventures by delaware?

Since September 2022, ClimateCamp has been a member of ventures by delaware, and I must say that our collaboration has been nothing short of excellentAs a startup, when you need to start from scratchhaving access to a network like delaware's is crucial, and it was the primary reason we chose delaware as our partner. In the early stageswe focused on identifying potential customers and looking for overlaps in our solutions' capabilitiesThis exercise was instrumental in cementing our partnership, and right now, we can say that we are grateful for the opportunity to work with delaware.”

In short

*Scope 3 emissions, also known as value chain emissions, are all the indirect greenhouse gas emissions from your suppliers as well as consumers of your products and services (upstream and downstream activities).