delaware takes home 2 SAP Partner Awards

Feb 02, 2023
  • award

We're proud to announce that delaware got awarded 2 awards by SAP BeLux during the yearly SAP Partner Awards ceremony on 2 February: SAP Net New Name Partner & SAP BeLux Renewals Partner.

And the winners are...

At its annual event, the global market leader in business software, rewards companies within its BeLux Partner Ecosystem for their exceptional performance during the previous year. During the yearly awards ceremony, delaware received no less than 2 SAP Partner Awards.  

Out of the 5 award categories, delaware was recognized with the following 2 awards:

  • SAP Net New Name Partner
  • SAP BeLux Renewals Partner

These awards are a recognition of delaware's focus to drive customer lifetime value together with SAP.  

The other awards went to Tata Consulting (SAP System Integrator BeLux), TheValueChain (SAP Cloud Partner) and PWC (SAP Rise Partner). 

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