Drive confidence for finance, management, and shareholders
As organizations become more cash-focused, they understand that business and finance have to share ownership of cash performance. Establishing a company-wide cash reporting and cash management system across different entities, however, is complex – and time consuming. Kristof: “In large organizations, the financial planning & analysis process takes months, with data going back and forth between subsidiaries and departments. By connecting all the relevant internal and external data, from the most diverse sources, finance teams will save precious time.”
“For example, sales, marketing, and procurement spend long days preparing budgets at year end. When that carefully prepared budgeting data is integrated in the liquidity planning exercise, you’ll enrich the dataset significantly. More than shortening the FP&A cycle, that approach ensures access to expanded, more accurate information to make more informed liquidity and, as a result, business decisions. On top of that, reporting will be far more transparent. All in all, that ensures more confident finance teams, management, and even shareholders,” Kristof concludes.