According to Gartner, 30% of the jobs that exist today will disappear by 2025. The new dynamics between Al and human workers, however, will result in a 50% increase in jobs - most of which don't even exist today. Just think about websites: technological progress has resulted in greater expectations in terms of content and interactivity, which means new skills have to be learned almost constantly.
Stronger and smarter
Today, the main function of Al in the workplace is to make life easier for employees. This happens in four main fields, which not coincidentally constitutes an intersection of all the tasks workers are confronted with on a day-to-day basis:
- Communication
- Support
- Collaboration
- Decision-making
In communication, the role of Al is to make the information presented to the employee as relevant as possible for them by taking their identity, function, location, task, etc. into account. For example, if an employee sends out a lot of emails about chatbots, the Al system can use this as a driver to push news about this topic.
Virtual assistants in the form of chatbots are another communication-based application of Al. They can inform an employee about practicalities based on timing (specific time of day) and location (specific company site). For example: the elevator is broken, there are 10 minutes left to order lunch, etc.
Al offers a number of opportunities to help employees with simple or repetitive administrative tasks. One example is automatically informing HR and people with whom you have appointments in case of illness, as well as automatically reminding you to hand in your doctor's note.
To improve collaboration on the work floor, Al can offer real-time translation. In this way, it eliminates language barriers in international companies. Sentiment analysis is gaining traction, too: here, the effect of your words on your conversation partner becomes clearer, resulting in more empathic and thus more efficient conversations.
By providing employees with relevant data, Al helps workers make more informed decisions, boosting their efficiency and effectiveness in all work settings. In these ways, Al takes 'unproductive' hours from employees, resulting in higher efficiency.