Truly detailed segmentation
Artificial intelligence is not totally new to marketing. For many years, companies have been separating their customers into 'gold', 'silver' and 'bronze' segments based on, for example, the revenue they generate. But revenue-based segmentations only use historical accounting figures and are not helping you focus on the behavior of your customers to secure future successes and profits. This is where Al comes in: Al can help you uncover the patterns within (un)structured data hidden in sources as varied as loyalty cards, cash registry systems, invoices, e-mail messages, social media posts, shopping carts and CMS and ERP systems - as a start for detailed segmentation and, consequently, true personalization.
Revealing the magic formula
Depending on the data you have, segmentation can be as general as gender and age or as complete as behavioral patterns based on characteristics like your clients' payment history, the frequency of returns or complaints, the composition of their shopping carts, their preferred shopping day or moment, their favorite ways to engage or their profitability profiles. Once Al has segmented your customers using these insights, you're ready to activate them and approach clients - and prospects in line with their preferences, in a truly customer-centric way.
Al in marketing: start small, aim big
Whether you own a small boutique or e-shop, work as a freelancer or run the marketing team in a multinational: every organization has costumer data at its fingertips from which to distil interesting customer insights. These insights are no longer a nice-to-have; they are indispensable for successful sales and marketing!
So, there's no need to wait until you're "big enough" to invest in Al-driven sales & marketing. The best time to start is today and systematically expand as you go along: even the smallest piece of profile information or costumer data is useful to kick off your customer intelligence project and activate a customer-centric marketing approach. Very soon, you'll see that your customers and prospects feel more valued and appreciated - and your marketing & sales budget will show an undeniable return on investment!
Interested in how Al can help you acquire and grow your customer base and profits? Get in touch with our Al team today! Schedule your half-day Al discovery and ideation workshop.