Going to the cloud: combining SAP and Microsoft

Aug 11, 2021
  • Microsoft
  • SAP

When does one plus one equal three – or more? The technological partnerships between SAP and Microsoft is a nice example of a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. These two heavy hitters are committed to integrating each other’s services, and companies can reap the benefits – particularly when it comes to moving to the cloud.

Combining a dynamic duo and a cloud move

SAP offers the world’s most popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, and Microsoft is a household name. However, in times past,  it was anything but simple to link services and products from both companies. For example, it used to be a complicated endeavor to migrate SAP’s traditional on-premise software to Microsoft’s Azure cloud.

“In 2019, these two technology players made a commitment to collaborate more closely,” says Tom Vandewinckele, Cloud Enablement & Operations solution lead at delaware. “As a result, it’s easier than ever for companies to combine the best products and services from SAP and Microsoft into an optimal solution. There are far fewer obstacles to overcome, particularly for companies interested in switching to or continuing to work in a cloud environment.”

Accelerating business and technological transformation

SAP and Microsoft have established blended product teams that integrate their solutions. For example, it’s entirely possible to link the reporting solution or document management solution from Microsoft to the SAP ERP solution without hiring an army of IT specialists.

“With closer collaboration, SAP and Microsoft can help their shared customers facilitate and accelerate their digital transformations. Both companies do this by providing step-by-step plans, best practices and architectures,” Tom continues.

for over fifteen years, delaware has been the only player in Belgium to be equally at home within the ecosystems of both Microsoft and SAP
Tom Vandewinckele, Cloud Enablement & Operations solution lead at delaware

“For over fifteen years, delaware has been the only player in Belgium to be equally at home within the ecosystems of both Microsoft and SAP. We guide enterprises in their business and technological transformations using solutions offered by these two proven leaders.”

Why migrate to the cloud?

Rapid adaptation to a changing world is a must. Classic IT environments require expensive infrastructure renewals every three to five years. As a result, they don’t offer the flexibility and scalability needed to respond in an agile way to rapidly changing conditions and developments in the business world.

Tom: “Cloud solutions offer flexibility, fast time to market, scalability, transparent cloud structures and business continuity. In the cloud, a company has better guarantees when it comes to availability, uptime and frequent product updates. Cloud solutions are also more secure than servers managed on site, as cloud providers prioritize security and privacy – and can thus spread the high costs of ensuring superior security across several customers. An individual company simply doesn’t have the budget to offer these levels of security.”

Moving to the cloud? 4 things to keep in mind

Before diving into your cloud move, consider the following:

  • If you choose to work in the cloud, it is crucial to know where your data is processed, which laws apply there and what impact they may have on your processes. A migration to the cloud must therefore also comply with all applicable internal, sectoral and national regulations.
  • Verify what guarantees are offered by the solution you choose: is the solution always available? Can you migrate your data if you change systems?
  • Cloud versions of existing products may not offer the same functional capabilities as their on-premise counterparts. Carefully check whether the cloud solution covers all of your needs.
  • And remember: migrating to the cloud requires an open mindset and a different way of working. Don’t underestimate its impact.

In search of detailed insights about what a move to SAP on Azure might look like for your organization?

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