delaware's ethical code and speak up channel

delaware's ethical code and speak up channel

4 people having a meeting

Living our values

Our values stand as guiding principles defining what delaware aspires to be. Over time, they have become a living part of so many aspects of our day-to-day work, and they greatly influence our interactions with the world. Therefore, we live our values to positively impact the world we live in.

As a leading IT and management consulting services provider, we acknowledge that - beyond merely providing IT solutions - our influence extends to people, society, and our planet.

Our ethical code

Our ethical code is firmly rooted in our purpose to positively impact the world we live in and builds upon the shared values that have guided us since delaware was founded in 2003. It establishes a fundamental framework for ethical behavior, empowering the #peopleofdelaware, our suppliers, our customers and all our business partners to make the right decisions and uphold the delaware values. 

Speak up: your voice, our commitment. 

delaware upholds its values and ethical code by conducting business in accordance with the law and highest ethical standards. In this context, our speak up policy outlines when, how, and where someone can raise concerns about suspected violations with confidentiality, respect for privacy, and without fear of retaliation.

Our belief is that all individuals associated with delaware have the responsibility to identify and speak up about any behavior that violates our ethical code. We value and encourage individuals who come forward to address potential violations through our speak up channel. By doing so, they provide their colleagues, managers, counterparts, and delaware itself with the opportunity to address the issue appropriately and proactively. This commitment is crucial for maintaining our integrity, sustaining our reputation, and ensuring our ongoing success and ability to operate, both now and in the future.

got any questions or concerns?

reach out to our audit & risk committee