delaware .Net developers proudly share their expertise at DevDay

Feb 14, 2021
  • IT
  • Microsoft

delaware’s expert .Net developers Benjamin Vangansewinkel and Nathan Cordier were invited to share their expertise during the latest Microsoft ‘DevDay’ event on 17th November. Over the last few months the .Net team, based in the offices in Wavre, has been working on a number of exciting projects with customers in Wallonia, enhancing ever more technical developments.

Microsoft’s DevDay is the most important .Net event in French-speaking Belgium. Due to the health crisis the seventh DevDay, on 16th and 17th November 2020, was held online. Benjamin and Nathan were delighted to show their presentation entitled “The search for Lost Perfs: a history of investigations” at the event (in French).

“We love the continuous learning of new aspects and being able to share our knowledge with other developers”, enthused our two experts. That’s why as soon as they have the opportunity, they never hesitate to step out of their comfort zone and pass on their good practices. “Sharing is caring.”

Measuring to be more proactive

The impact of new IT developments on the existing infrastructure remains the Achilles’ heel of many IT projects and is frequently a major risk to application performance: ‘loss of performance’ is how our two developers express it.  

To avoid such complications, one of the fundamental development trends of Microsoft technologies, from Azure to .Net, is to instigate more controls during the development phase. “The aim is to detect problems in performance and speed throughout the development phase in order to resolve these issues before writing code. This includes, for example, performing user load tests, identifying the critical points and measuring progress using key performance indicators (KPI)”, explains Benjamin. “When the KPIs are positive we don’t have to worry about starting production. In the .Net development world to measure is to know,” continues Nathan.

Above all, Benjamin and Nathan are happy to have had the opportunity to put their theory into practice. Customers who are innovating in Wallonia have indeed been able to benefit from their performance optimization techniques, thus creating a vicious circle.

The .Net developers’ tool kit

If you are passionate about development, here is a list of performance optimization and debugging tools for which delaware has acquired unique expertise:

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