Copado Robotic Testing

Copado Robotic Testing

Copado: intuitive automated testing

Enjoy faster and more reliable automated software testing with Copado, the world’s leading cloud-based test automation platform. Optimize your testing strategy and speed up releases, or enable more efficient onboarding and training for users and employees.

Testing, testing, 1-2-3

Whether you’re releasing a new tool for your team or for your customers, testing is a costly yet necessary part of ensuring quality. Copado makes it as easy and reliable as possible, and also helps with onboarding. 

we commit
to helping our customers establish a reliable and efficient testing strategy based on Copado’s robotic testing platform

Getting ready for the move

Due to an upcoming upgrade toward SAP S/4HANA, INEOS O&P was looking for a lightweight - though mature - approach to introduce automated testing. During such an upgrade a lot of stress is already put on the shoulders of the key users, often impacting the test quality. Copado proves to be the ideal solution for the business to record & playback their critical processes.

Need more information? Ask Andreas Faes

Test automation architect

connect with Andreas Faes on LinkedIn

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