Study trip in Amsterdam enables software students to put theory into practice

Feb 01, 2019

For the second time in a row, delaware and Barco are teaming up with renowned computer science professors of the universities of Antwerp, Ghent and Brussels to organize a truly unique code camp for software engineering students. The second edition of the Software Engineering Study Trip will take 20 students to Amsterdam (from 4 to 8 February 2019) for a deep dive on some ground-breaking software developments, such as Artificial Intelligence, Continuous Integration and Microservices. Through hands-on sessions, academic insights and tips from experienced software engineers, students will learn how to put their software skills into practice.

This software study trip has been initiated to help close the gap between the theory and practice of software development. “We believe that preparing students for the next steps in their career is not only the responsibility of universities. We especially want to provide something valuable to the students that is helpful and relevant for their careers”, says Jasper Van Mullem, talent acquisition professional at delaware. Jan De Witte, Barco’s CEO adds: “We have a history of close collaboration with universities, both on joint research and on taking up educational responsibilities. In addition, we are a company that thrives on innovation and superior user experiences. Both of them are strongly driven by software. In line with our values, we are convinced that growing our company in the domain of software goes hand in hand with helping the communities around us to thrive.”

Program 2019

The study trip offers 3 full-day tracks combining theoretical information and hands-on sessions on Microservices, Continuous Integration and Artificial Intelligence. An exclusive mid-week trip, packed with seminars, labs, excellent networking opportunities, hackjams… and lots of fun, food, and drinks of course!

Track 1: Microservices

The students will be introduced to the latest means for realizing resilience and elasticity in cloud applications and illustrate patterns of concurrent and distributed programming. They will get insights into the concerns of a distributed architecture based on real life projects and get a taste of Akka and Docker. On top of that, the students will get a how (not) to blog training, so definitely stay tuned for their stories!

Track 2: Continuous Integration

This track implies a rough guide to the exciting world of test automation, continuous delivery, and infrastructure-as-code, highlighting some research findings that support the view that these DevOps practices are definitely here to stay. Together, they will turn projects into production ready code by setting up automated testing, continuous integration and automated deployment through a Microsoft and an open source toolchain. 

Track 3: Artificial Intelligence

The last track will offer the students a peak into big data technologies and artificial intelligence through hands-on sessions. AI isn’t science fiction. It is based on mathematical models that allow a computer to simulate a human’s capacity to learn – drastically cutting the amount of coding and computing power needed to accomplish complex tasks. We believe that AI will become the most transformational technology of our age. Read more about AI here.

Are you interested to know more about the Software Engineering Student Trip? The first edition was hosted in February 2018 in Lyon. Find the blogs and articles from last year’s participants here.

Are you interested in a software career at delaware? Find all opportunities for junior and senior professionals on our job page.

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