Generative AI (GenAI)

Generative AI (GenAI)

Beyond the hype, towards the future

Since OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November 2022, organizations around the world have started exploring and capitalizing on the potential of generative AI (GenAI): content creation based on large language models. Because it speeds up processes such as writing texts, generating code, documentation, research, and more, there is always a significant impact, regardless of the sector. So take the time to reflect and debate: which processes and activities in your organization can be more intelligent, more automated, more efficient...? What does GenAI mean for you, your people and processes, and your technology and systems?

Generative AI is more than just a trend. That’s why we want to support every delaware customer in their GenAI journey, regardless of their sector. We’re helping organizations to create a GenAI roadmap, and to pursue the direction that’s right for them: applying GenAI where it delivers added value, not just AI “because everyone else is doing it”. Get ready to navigate an ocean of future-proof possibilities: enterprise search, meta data enrichment, and many other treasure troves.

which unshelled GenAI pearls are waiting for you?

Let's locate all the gems. Reach out to our experts and get started.

You & GenAI

Generative AI presents a multitude of new capabilities, but shouldn’t be a goal in itself. Instead, it should be a vital part of your business strategy and operational model; a way to use your resources more efficiently. How can GenAI improve your operational efficiency? Even minimal use of GenAI can be enough to organize your processes differently, leaving more time for value-added activities. The benefits will depend on your specific organization, but here are just a few: 

  • saving time and money
  • enhancing your customer experience
  • next-level personalization
  • boosting creativity and knowledge sharing
  • fostering your digital transformation

Your co-captain: delaware

With delaware by your side, you’ll chart the right end-to-end GenAI course for your organization. Count on us for a modernized GenAI offering across your entire value chain:

Business and management consulting

Together, we’ll analyze your business, and find out where and how GenAI can create added value.

Technological expertise

We’ll build and support GenAI solutions, and enrich your technologies wherever it’s relevant to you.

Funding and co-sponsorship

We want to lower the threshold for GenAI experiments. That’s why part of our investments are earmarked for new customer cases. Want to play around and test the GenAI waters before fully diving in? We can provide the buoys.

One global program, three axes

To provide you with maximum support, we’ve stepped up our GenAI investments and set up a global GenAI program. Within that framework, we approach GenAI from three different perspectives, as outlined below.

These will not only help you understand GenAI’s potential for your own organizational processes. They will also make sure you use GenAI responsibly. After all, any prompt you enter can pass by an external server somewhere and pose a (potentially huge) security risk.

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