

Boost employee engagement. Future-proof your workforce.

Build a better workplace, increase resilience and prosper in today's fast-changing world.

Totara is a talent experience platform that unites three essential solutions to help you build a better workplace - one that’s agile and resilient enough to prosper in an ever-changing and distributed world of work.

Totara Learn is guided by real, validated requirements from the global Totara community, keeping you and your business ahead of the competition. Totara Learn is a flexible, extensible enterprise-level LMS with all the features you need to support and manage workplace learning for organisations of all shapes and sizes.

    • Manage and design content
    • User-orientated learning
    • Fully customisable
    • Powerful reporting tools

Totara Perform allows you to tailor your performance management processes to match your business needs. Whether it’s traditional annual appraisals and performance reviews, or more modern practices like check-ins and continuous feedback. The system supports the entire spectrum including, among others:

    • Annual reviews
    • Continuous performance management
    • 360-degree feedback
    • Check-ins
    • Appraisals

Totara Engage is an integrated learning experience platform. It provides an enriching collaborative environment for employees to discover and share resources, insights and engaging learning experiences.

The standard integration with MS Teams and machine learning technology for recommendations makes this module a must have to leverage on all the effort you put in place to increase your employee’s engagement.

we commit
to unlock the full potential of your employees by combining the three parts of the talent experience platform

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The state of genAI at Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce and OpenText

To say that generative AI (genAI) evolves rapidly is an understatement. Keeping track of everything that’s happening can be overwhelming and time consuming. At the same time, you need to have a basic idea of what’s out there, or you risk falling behind. Luckily, our AI experts Wouter Labeeuw and Pieterjan De Schrijver did the heavy lifting for you. read more

Generative AI, one year after ChatGPT: first reflection, then activation

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November 2022, virtually the entire planet started realizing – almost overnight – the power of generative AI (GenAI): content creation based on large language models. Ever since, organizations have been exploring its potential for their own operations – and how to handle it responsibly. To help them maximize that opportunity, delaware has stepped up its GenAI investments and offering. read more

Is your organization's technology experience contributing to the employee experience?

According to recent research, your organization's technology experience is probably not contributing to the employee experience. We all agree that technology experience highly impacts the overall employee experience. And yet, Qualtrics research found only 30% of employees say their experience with their company's technology exceeds their expectations. Salesforce research adds that fewer than one in three employees feels their company's technology works effectively, and fewer than one in four feels equipped with the right technology. read more

From Paris to Luxembourg City: delaware’s innovation journey continues

On Thursday, September 28th, delaware will host a two-in-one event: the Inspiration Day and the fifth edition of the Pitch Arena in Luxembourg City. Next to inspiring presentations on applied innovation, visitors can cheer on six promising startups as they present their business idea to our international jury, hoping to join the Ventures by delaware program. read more