Dematerialisation solutions

Dematerialisation solutions

SAP dematerialisation solutions

Are you looking for ready-to-use dematerialisation solutions AND integrated with your SAP environment?

From scanning to verification (optical recognition, control and compliance with business rules), in accordance with the regulations in force, delaware offers you a dematerialisation service for your supplier invoices, your HR documents, your delivery notes and your customer orders.


Is invoice processing and approval a challenge for you? You are not alone! Many companies also face the following problems:

  • An important workload related to the manual processing of invoices
  • A complex process due to the multiplicity and geographical dispersion of the actors in the approval process
  • Integration of different types of invoice exchanges (EDI, signature, reliable audit trail)

A response to business needs

  • Availability: directly accessible by end users.
  • Confidentiality: management of access rights, authorizations, security (systems, premises).
  • Integrity: non-alteration of the document.
  • Sustainability: preservation of documentary heritage over time.

Meet new regulatory requirements

  • Dematerialisation for the State: the order of 26 June 2014 for the public sector extends the dematerialisation process started in 2012 (obligation for suppliers to transmit their invoices in a dematerialised way to the State = chorus invoices).
  • Inter-company dematerialisation: Article 222 of the Macron law for the private sector Companies are not obliged to issue but must accept invoices received electronically.
  • Electronic-paper balance: Reliable audit trail and probative value of the digital copy (see explanatory sheets).

Information management

Discover through this illustration, how faced with the problems of everyday life, we can accompany you to define your content management strategies which is regularly seen as a source of problems.

Consolidating information through a single tool will make it available immediately and increase your efficiency by :

  • Optimizing and facilitating the acquisition and classification of your data,
  • Handles any type of format or source,
  • Archiving and storing your information in a perennial way,
  • Meeting the legal requirements,
  • Offering a relevant and differentiating user experience.

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