#peopleofdelawarePH On the Spot: Rosette Carrao

Mar 05, 2020

It’s Women’s Month all over the world! In our corner of this planet, we’d like to celebrate our top woman executive: Rosette Carrao, delaware Philippines’ SAP Consulting Delivery Lead.

Rosette has been in the SAP business for decades, and started out in delaware as a Project Manager. Now, she leads our army of consultants through the warzone that is SAP implementation, support, business transformation, and change management. The goal: for both client and customer to be victorious in the end.

Let’s get to know Rosette better.

What do you do in delaware?

I manage the delivery team of delaware. This means I look after project and service delivery as well as utilization and resource management for all consultants. I work with Team Leads, Project Managers, and Service Delivery Managers to ensure satisfactory delivery of work. At the same time, I ensure that employees are engaged and happy.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was really young, I thought I wanted to be a doctor. Then I realized I was afraid of blood. I also wanted to be a volleyball player, but I was not gifted with the height for the game. The position suited for shorter players (libero) had not been introduced at the time.

When you were starting out in IT, what were your aspirations?

As with any young IT professional, the ultimate goal was to eventually be the CIO. As I grew older, my aspirations changed. The position was no longer important. I am happy enough to effect changes that benefit both the company and the employees.

Who are your role models?

There are several people who influence me in different ways. My older brother instilled in me the importance of integrity when it comes to money. I’ve had clients who have shown me ways to manage a team with the way they manage theirs. I also have colleagues who show me how to properly engage with peers and teammates. There are so many role models as long as we open our eyes to the ways we can learn from everyone we have encounters with.

Do you think that women have a different experience from men in IT?

The generalization is that IT is a man's world. However, in my experience, I’ve always been surrounded by strong women in IT leadership. In my previous companies, I reported to two very experienced and strong women. Where I am now, I am also surrounded by female leaders. Our population in delaware Philippines is a balanced mix of males and females. 

I am grateful I have also never experienced any gender-bias in the field of SAP, where most of my IT experience is. When we work with foreign consultants in projects, they are surprised at how many women were leading the local teams. I believe it’s something to be proud of as Filipino IT professionals.

What do you think can women do at work that men can’t?

I have never been conscious of my limitations at work given that I am female. That has never been an issue. I think from the ways we are different from each other, that’s where we learn. We are equals, after all!

What are your professional and personal goals?

I’d like to see delaware grow and have our future leaders sustain this growth. For myself, I’d like to continue exploring the world and its cultures.

Best advice you’ve ever received?

Not an advice, but a reprimand when I was younger:“The world does not owe you anything.”

This changed my perspective. Being entitled deprives you from being grateful.

What would you say to a 22-year-old fresh female graduate about to start her journey in IT?

Do not be confined to job descriptions. Say yes to many opportunities and learn from both your wins and failures.

The #peopleofdelawarePH are proud of our leaders like Rosette. Through their guidance, we strive for long-term partnership with our customers, in continuously transforming their business through technology.