Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Architecture

The challenges of an evolving IT landscape

From monolithic infrastructures to ‘best-of-breed’

Since the 1980s, business IT has continuously evolved from early on-premise infrastructures to all-in-one megasuites all the way to today’s ‘best-of-breed’, decentralized SaaS solutions.

Conquering complexity

In the latter case, every aspect of the business is served by a niche solution with its own data model and restrictions. Ensuring proper communication and integration between these separate entities – for example, to create a 360° customer view – can be pretty challenging.

Redefining the role of IT

IT enables the modern enterprise to adapt to its business environment and meet (customer) expectations. Standing at the forefront of digital transformation, a solid IT landscape allows organizations to navigate internal and external changes and roll with the punches. The key? Keeping pace with the ever-increasing speed of change.

Enterprise Architecture: your alignment plan for business and IT

In an ideal world, business and IT are perfectly integrated, but unfortunately that’s not often the case. The tricky part of setting up a good enterprise architecture is uncovering the gaps in your IT and business integration. Our experts have developed a simple, exploratory test that will help you determine priorities and will serve as the first step on your journey towards a strong enterprise architecture.

we commit
to developing a pragmatic, feasible enterprise architecture plan, supported by all stakeholders, that reflects business needs as well as strategy

Our approach

A strategic approach to and a clear vision of enterprise architecture are needed to align needs, goals and resources. While every project is unique, delaware experts adhere to a proven and tested approach that combines established best practices, cross-industry experience, and familiarity with your unique context. It includes:

  • a thorough scan of the ‘as-is’ situation and identification of pain points;
  • alignment of all stakeholders and maturity and risk assessment;
  • a global view of your enterprise IT landscape that maps your wants and needs alongside your current situation;
  • a clearly defined roadmap to move from the ‘as-is’ situation to the desired outcome.

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