Applied Innovation

Applied Innovation

Use the new technologies that match your growth ambitions

The pace of innovation often exceeds our ability to keep abreast of it. Staying up to speed is a full-time job of its own. In order to get the most out of digital technologies like IoT, bots, predictive analytics, blockchain, artificial intelligence and extended reality, it’s important to have a structured roadmap – and a knowledgeable innovation partner with experience in your domain.

keeping up with the accelerating pace of technology means embracing new ways of thinking, working and gaining insights

4 mindset shifts to turn challenges into opportunities

The adoption of new technologies always begins with business and end customer needs – not from FOMO (fear of missing out). Your success depends on identifying how emerging technologies can add value to your existing business processes. Keeping up with the accelerating pace of technology means embracing new ways of thinking, working and gaining insights.


  • Be customer-obsessed: influenced by mobile devices, apps and an always-connected mindset, consumer demands are changing faster than ever. A deep understanding of their needs and expectations must be the foundation of your priority-setting approach.
  • Adopt a holistic view: getting the most value out of new innovations means involving your entire business. In order to develop an effective end-to-end strategy, it’s important to rethink processes in collaboration with every team.
  • Be agile: your IT infrastructure must be ready for new technologies, making a flexible approach crucial to your success. Ensure that your business has IT infrastructure that’s ready for a digital future.
  • Learn from data: your company’s data is one of your biggest assets. Instead of immediately harnessing new data-oriented innovations, first consider the quality and relevance of the data you have. Doing so will help you identify the specific technologies and approaches your business needs.

With applied innovation, delaware helps you determine how these emerging technologies can add value to your existing business processes.

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