Lead Developer

software development, lot of experience, developer
Budapest, Debrecen

As the Lead Developer at delaware Hungary, you will be the key figure in our DHU team, overseeing the development processes and ensuring the team's success. With a focus on web development, you will bring over 8 years of experience to the table, showcasing your expertise in .Net WebAPIs, Cloudbased competencies (particularly Azure), DevOps, and Javascript. The ideal candidate will possess technical prowess and exceptional people skills to lead and inspire the team. You will act as a technical expert within Microsoft Web development, understanding both functional and technical aspects to ensure the highest quality output.

Who are we?

delaware is a global company that delivers innovative solutions and services across various industries. In Hungary, we play a pivotal role in digital transformation, providing cutting-edge technologies and expertise to our clients. We are currently seeking a highly skilled Lead Developer to join our team and take on a leadership role in driving excellence in development


What will you be doing ?

  • Lead and mentor the DHU development team, fostering a culture of excellence and continuous improvement 
  • Utilize best-in-class development skills to drive the success of projects 
  • Demonstrate expertise in .Net WebAPIs, Cloudbased competencies (Azure),    DevOps, and Javascript 
  • Critically evaluate necessary features and behaviors, providing valuable insights to enhance project outcomes 
  • Act as a technical expert, ensuring the team's adherence to Microsoft Web development standards 
  • Foster a collaborative and innovative environment, staying abreast of the latest industry trends and technologies 
  • Collaborate with international teams, particularly the Belgian team, to align development strategies and achieve common goals 

Is there a match?

  • Minimum 8 years of experience in web development 
  • Proven expertise in .Net WebAPIs, Cloud-based competencies (Azure), DevOps, and Javascript 
  • Familiarity with CMS technologies, especially Optimizely 
  • Leadership and mentoring skills to manage and inspire a development team 
  • Critical thinking and analytical skills to assess features and behaviors 
  • Excellent communication skills in English 

Let's meet up

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our low code development team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon! 

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners. 

find out more


kapcsolódó történetek

#InspireInclusion: nem csak Nemzetközi Nőnapon

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Motiváció a munkahelyen: hogyan tartjuk fenn munkatársaink lelkesedését?

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