Senior MS Integration Consultant

Microsoft, cloud and Infrastructure, lot of experience, consultant

You can handle smaller projects independently but you work equally well as part of a team and are also capable of being a project leader. In those kinds of projects, you fulfill a coaching role for your less-experienced colleagues.

You’re not just a programmer, you’re equally good at thinking about tactical and strategic possibilities that combine various systems. You understand the ins and outs of both the technological and the management side of the IT story and you can convey and present them clearly – also to your customers.

Who are we?

We’re the Microsoft Integration team: we detangle the IT jungle that many companies have created out of their different systems, technologies, apps, and tools. We make sure everything is logically structured by making applications ‘talk’ to each other. Our tools? Azure Integration Services, Azure Storage, SQL, C# & .NET.

We’re a tight-knit young and growing community of awesome technologists who build Azure solutions that integrate people, information and business processes. Here’s an example of an innovative integration solution we’re really proud of.
As a team, we not only have a very strong sense of belonging, all of us are absolutely convinced of the enormous growth potential of IoT to almost every type of business and industry.

What will you be doing?

First and foremost, you’re a consultant so you will assist our customers with architecture and design of highly available, secure and scalable Integration solutions using Azure Integration Services such as Logic Apps & Azure Functions. Aside from that, your skills as an architect and designer will also come in handy for API & Microservice solutions on Microsoft Azure.

You will implement complex integration solutions with focus on availability, scalability and security. To do those things effectively, it’s important that you stay up to date with the latest changes to the Azure ecosystem.

Finally, you don’t mind getting your hands dirty and perform Development and DevOps tasks. After all, it’s all part of the journey 😉.

Is there a match?

Let’s see. If you…

  • have at least 2 to 3 years’ experience with Azure integration services so you’ve already reached a certain level of maturity. Knowledge of Azure Logic Apps, API Management, Data Factory or BizTalk are definite advantages!
  • are familiar with Service Oriented Architecture & SOA Patterns and you enjoy exploring new technologies.
  • are also familiar with .NET and C# of course thanks to your Azure experience. In an ideal world you’ll also have an awareness of or have worked with SQL Server, Azure integration services, EAI, EDI, JSON XML, XSL(T) to some extent. No sweat, if you can’t tick all of them off the list; we’ll help you learn about the ones you don’t know so well yet.
  • are made of the right stuff for consultancy: good communication skills, easy to talk to, proactive in suggesting solutions for customers, hands-on, focused on as successful an implementation as possible, always ready for action.
  • are fluent in Hungarian and English.

…then you may be the Senior MS Integration Consultant we’re looking for!

Let’s meet up

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our Microsoft Integration team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon! 

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