Experienced SAP ABAP Developer

SAP, software development, some experience, developer

How many companies can you think of where you are actually encouraged to walk around with your head in the clouds? Probably not many – but we’re one of them! The cloud is where our delaware SAP consultants feel right at home, and rightly so. Nevertheless, we have our feet planted firmly on the ground. After all, our customers depend on us to skillfully guide them through their digital transition.

Your role at delaware

  • You are a developer, but also a consultant. You will play a lead role in the delivery of SAP solutions, from analysis to go-live.
  • Together with our sales teams, you will also play a significant role in the presales process. Your expertise reassures clients, as you provide answers to technical questions and demonstrate the solutions.
  • As an experienced consultant, you don’t just translate the customer’s current processes into SAP, but you also use your expertise to question, explore and co-create new processes together with the customer.
  • You’re involved in every aspect of the implementation: you analyze the needs of your customers, which you translate into a blueprint and a technical design. Next, you take care of the implementation and configuration and organize training workshops and courses with the customer. From beginning to end you are at the helm, driving your projects forward!
  • As an experienced consultant, you also assume the responsibility to mentor and coach less-experienced colleagues. Knowledge-sharing is a key success factor and you are happy to share your expertise with your more junior colleagues.

Experience & skills

  • You have more than 5+ years of experience in SAP development
  • You’re familiar with SAP Forms, Fiori, Hana, Gateway, Screen Personas and more.
  • You have experience with the following: ABAP, User-exit, BADI, BAPI, SmartForms, Sapscript, IDoc.
  • In addition to your broad range of knowledge and skills, you’re alwaysopen to learning more about the very latest technologies.
  • You are not only one of the best coders, but you’re also cut from the right consulting cloth: you’re proactive and a good communicatorwho combines the drive for results with flexibility.
  • You can weigh up your customer’s business situation swiftly and translate it into clear functional solutions
  • You are well-organized and service-oriented by nature
  • Fluency in English 
  • Our company values appeal to you: care, commitment, entrepreneurship, respect, and team spirit

Our offer

  • Flexibility – hybrid working model, 2-3 days a week home office
  • Family-like community, relaxed atmosphere, with attention
    for a good work/life balance 
  • Being involved in a wide range of international and innovative SAP projects
  • Yearly trainings to improve your knowledge
  • Opportunities to get certified in the latest SAP technologies 
  • Opportunities to work with the latest technologies and solutions 
    (S/4HANA, Fiori, EWM, SAP Cloud, TM)
  • An attractive salary package that grows with you + yearly bonus (up to one month salary) and other incentives (referral bonus)
  • Medicover health insurance and Cafeteria
  • Regular team events 

If you are interested in joining our team, click the Apply now button or send your CV to jobs.hu@delaware.pro. Hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!


kapcsolódó történetek

#InspireInclusion: nem csak Nemzetközi Nőnapon

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