Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a cloud-based suite of business analytics tools that help you gain insights with the power to benefit every aspect of your company’s activities.

Every company is generating data at an incredible pace: from customer information, sales and production details, to data on the performance of tools, processes and employees. But what good is all this information if it sits unused in monstrous, undecipherable spreadsheets that only your most technically-skilled colleagues can interpret? To make the best business decisions, you and your team need access to the right information at the right time. That’s what Microsoft Power BI is all about.

making good business decisions starts with good data and making it accessible

Self-service insights

When Microsoft released Power BI in 2015, the goal was to provide non-technical users with all the tools required to aggregate, analyze, visualize and share data in a fast and intuitive way. Today, it is one of the most widely used self-service business intelligence cloud services for SMEs, and for excellent reasons:

Connect to hundreds of data sources, from cloud services to on-site sources and Excel spreadsheets.

Produce easy-to-read reports that cut out the fluff and focus on what matters.

Share data and insights online and via mobile devices whenever and wherever it’s needed.

Personalize your dashboard to make Power BI work the way you want it to work.

Don’t bother about GDPR and compliance anymore: Microsoft’s best-in-class, built-in security and governance functionalities ensure the safety of your data.

Above all, it’s easy: creating simple dashboards and visualizations are matters of minutes.

The right tool for your business?

Microsoft Power BI offers numerous attractive advantages for a fair price, and thanks to its ease-of-use, it requires little upfront training. Whether it’s the right tool for your business and how you should set it up, however, depends on the size of your organization, the sector you’re active in, and how business insights are handled today.

How can we help?

Making good business decisions starts with having good data and making it easily accessible. As a Gold Certified Microsoft partner, delaware has the technological knowledge and years of in-the-field experience to help you get the most out of Microsoft Power BI.

Why choose delaware?

  • We offer a structured approach
  • We offer end-to-end solutions
  • We collaborate closely with your team
  • We have 15 years of experience in business intelligence across numerous industries

Is your data working for you?