People Dynamics

People Dynamics

“There’s a tool for that” may very well be the most often provided answer by HR.

And it’s true: HR has a tool for almost everything nowadays and each tool comes with very interesting data. What’s missing, however, are the right type of insights that can help you solve your strategic HR challenges.

Answering your strategic HR questions

People dynamics provides you the insights you need to make substantiated decisions

By combining workplace data, operational data, external data and experiential data (e.g. satisfaction surveys), we provide answers to questions like: How can you limit churn? Which skill sets will be crucial in future? How well do new starters fit within your corporate culture?

Data-driven support for your HR strategy

People Dynamics provides answers to difficult questions. We take away blind spots, objectify sentiments and predict events before they happen.

we commit
to providing answers to questions you hadn’t even come up with yet

Optimizing workforce planning with machine learning at ESAS

Infrastructure services provider ESAS was looking for ways to boost customer satisfaction, while maintaining operational efficiency. If they’d be able to plan more accurately, they wouldn’t have to shift customer appointments between technicians at the last minute and thus improve customer satisfaction.

By analyzing employee and absentee data through machine learning, the drivers of absenteeism were identified, such as overtime and travel distance. Based on these insights, Operations & HR now addresses the issues in employees’ performance management talks, while schedulers can plan far more accurately.

More info? Ask Juan.

Partner - Domain Lead Human Capital

contact Juan Staes on Linkedin


The state of genAI at Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce and OpenText

To say that generative AI (genAI) evolves rapidly is an understatement. Keeping track of everything that’s happening can be overwhelming and time consuming. At the same time, you need to have a basic idea of what’s out there, or you risk falling behind. Luckily, our AI experts Wouter Labeeuw and Pieterjan De Schrijver did the heavy lifting for you. read more

How can we put generative AI to work? 5 use cases

We all know generative AI or genAI has far-reaching implications for arts and entertainment, and even in healthcare and education the impact is palpable. But what about day-to-day business challenges? Can this omnipresent technology really make life easier for you and your stakeholders, or is it all just marketing speak? Our in-house AI experts Sven Arnauts and Wouter Labeeuw discuss the challenges – and opportunities – of making genAI work for you and your organization. read more

GenAI in Finance: how to ensure governance and maximize returns

Driven by AI, finance departments are pivoting from traditional analysis to a more streamlined, automated approach that focuses on planning, risk management, and strategic decision-making. But that’s not the only way in which AI and genAI are changing work for finance teams. The CFO, together with the CIO, also plays a key role in AI selection, adoption, and governance. read more

delaware's ChangeHub: a quick start guide to implementing change in your organization

Change is inevitable, but managing it effectively is not always easy. Whether you are implementing a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool, or initiating any other transformation project, you need a solid change management strategy to ensure the success and sustainability of your initiative. The ChangeHub, a plug-and-play change management portal, could be the solution. read more