SAP IS U Consultant

SAP, supply chain & operations, beaucoup d'experience, consultant·e

In today’s rapidly-changing energy world, new challenges often require new solutions. The same goes for utility industry solutions, which are heavily impacted by the increasing decentralization of energy production – through e.g. solar panels and wind turbines – and the digitization of meters for end-users. For key customers in the industry, delaware is currently building state-of-the-art industry solutions, using the latest SAP S/4HANA functionalities. We streamline the rising flow of data coming from digital meters in the field and ensure the correct calculation of volumes and consumptions of consumers. You wouldn’t want to miss out on that, would you?

If you are already part of #peopleofdeaware, we encourage you to move up and around within the company. Do you think the open position might be a good fit for you? If so, feel free to chat with the recruiter to explore the possibilities!

What will you be doing?

As an SAP IS-U consultant, you’ll be involved in the entire implementation project. This means you’ll guide the customer from analysisblueprinting and customization, up until the actual go-live of their brand new system.

  • Depending on the SAP IS-U module in which you’ve gained experience, you’ll provide expert advice within SAP IS-U and support colleagues and stakeholders on how to best align business processes and solutions.
  • You’ll take younger, less experienced colleagues under your wing and show them the ropes.
  • Next to your consultancy assignments, you’ll also fulfil a minor commercial role, while you assist your colleagues in creating pre-sales proposals.

You’ll spend much of your time working on site at the customer’s offices, where you’ll always be surrounded by your delaware colleagues. You can also meet your other colleagues in one of the delaware offices in GentAntwerpenWavreLiègeKortrijk or Lummen,

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Olena Khidirova

Who are we?

delaware is an international key player in the fields of consultancy and business software package implementation services. We are the current market leader in Belgium when it comes to SAP implementation, active in a wide range of industries (manufacturing, pharma, chemicals, food, and more).    
As #peopleofdelaware, our teams truly put our core values into practice: we take care of our employees and customers, we are committed, enterprising and respectful, and do everything in a positive team spirit
delaware Belux has its offices in Ghent, Antwerp, Kortrijk, Lummen, Liège, Wavre, and Luxemburg, but we also spend time working together at our customers’ site. We believe that a good balance consists in at least a half-time onsite at one of the office or at the customer’s combined with some home-working.         

Is there a match?

Let’s see if you’re the right fit for the job we’re offering:

  • Do you have at least 3 years of experience working with and implementing SAP IS-U? Ideally, you’d combine solid IS-U knowledge with a background in other main SAP S/4 modules and integration with other applications linked with SAP.
  • Would you say that you complement those functional SAP skills with sound knowledge of the business processes in the utilities industry? During your work for our customers, experience in a utility environment will come in handy.
  • You may know the ins and outs of the tools, but do you also have the necessary consulting and coaching skills? Or are you eager to pick these up along the way?
  • As a consultant, you will get a lot of freedom to form your own schedule, which is why taking ownership and self-organizing your work is essential. When you’re stuck on something, you dare to ask for help.
  • Clear communication is crucial in this line of work, even in another language. Can you express yourself easily in English and Dutch or French?

Let's meet up!

You can find out more about delaware on our website. Or get a sense of what it’s like to work for us here, but we’re even nicer in real life! 

Are you keen to help us grow our Utilities team? Click the Apply Now button!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners. 
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stratégie de rémunération