Facility Coordinator & Receptionist (half-time)

fonctions de support, un peu d'experience, service support

Are you a organized and customer-focused individual looking to make a difference? We are seeking a Receptionist and Facility Coordinator to join our team. In this role, you'll be the first point of contact for visitors and employees, ensuring a welcoming and efficient environment. If you thrive in a fast-paced setting and have a passion for excellence, this opportunity is perfect for you! 

What will you be doing?

  • you provide hands-on assistance to help maintain a productive and comfortable environment and ensure smooth day-to-day operation of our organization.
  • you are the go to person when it comes to everything regarding facility at the office. You help colleagues find their way and answer questions if necessary.
  • you’ll be responsible for the detailed registration of expenditure. This includes creating clear graphs, analysis, and comparisons with previous years, and creating awareness of cost components.  
  • prepare and manage POs (purchase orders) and GRs (goods receipts) for facility activities. 
  • record and follow up on agreements and contracts with our different providers.  

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Paulien Aalders

Is there a match?

Let’s see. If you… 

  • have received an administrative education, we’re not looking for a specific diploma just for an administrative enthusiast and someone fond on process, numbers and automation. 
  • have minimum 3 years of experience in administrative positions combine excellent organizational and time management skills with impeccable administrative skills. Your strong problem-solving mindset definitely comes in handy.  
  • have a detailed planning, Excel sheet and numbers are your strong suits.  
  • consider a dynamic job energizing. That’s mainly because you’re stress resistant and you approach things proactively
  • Dutch speaking and can communicate in English as well.
  • can work independently, take ownership of your work and show initiative in a flexible and international environment.  

Who are we?

You are a strong communicator and like to be in contact with people at different levels of an organization. Through your strong personal and administrative skills you are experienced in building meaningful personal relationships, manage your tasks thoroughly and deliver quick results. You’re outcome-oriented with a sharp eye for detail. You know how to prioritize tasks and allocate time and resources effectively to get your desired outcome. 

Your ability to troubleshoot and understanding enable you to analyze and resolve issues in no time. In fact, as you think in solutions, you don’t really see problems. You spend your time and energy finding and acting upon solutions in a hands-on way.  

Considering your effective planning and organizing skills, you enjoy working in a dynamic work environment where no two days are alike. You know the job of a Facility Administrator is multifaceted and therefore quite challenging, but you get energized from keeping several balls in the air.  

Let's meet up!

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents, and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our Fleet & Facilities team? Make sure to contact us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply nowbutton below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!  

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners.  

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