SAP Project Manager

SAP, supply chain & operations, some experience, consultant

We are looking for an SAP Project Manager in charge of leading & overseeing all aspects of projects.

The SAP Project Manager will be responsible  for developing project plans, leading and facilitating technical and functional projects and will work in close collaboration with our customers while also engaging with the business to ensure project alignment with customers expectations.

Serving as a bridge between technical and business teams, the SAP Project Manager will guarantee effective communication, stakeholder involvement, and the timely completion of projects.

What will you be doing?

As an SAP project manager, you like to be in the driver’s seat from start to finish. Being hands-on and pragmatic is as important to you as correctly applying certified project management methodologies. 

You work fast, shift gears quickly and are always prepared for unexpected challenges. 
Your motto? Good preparation is half the work. To make sure that everything is ready when it should be, you firmly take the reins of budgeting, planning time and resources. 

You can easily change hats and use SAP technical jargon with your development team, and talk business with your customers. Your main mission? Smooth and close collaboration, communication and clear roles for everyone on the project.

more info about this job?

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Wifak Kammachi - Recruiter

Who are we?

As a project manager, you know what it takes to start and finish a project successfully. You will become part of our PM community where:

  • You will be trained in the ins and outs of our project methodology, which is based on PMI.
  • As a member of our vivid PM community, you’ll discover that sharing best practices and coaching each other is part of that community's commitment.
  • There’ll be opportunities to grow as a PM in different industries and project sizes.
  • If you have an interest in program management, this can be marked on your future career development plan as well.

Is there a match?

You are involved during the entire process, from presales to analysis to delivery. You sit down with our customers to learn about their needs and create the best customer experience for them:
•    You bring together the experts from different teams at delaware and at the customer. You’re the type of bridge builder who knows how to form a team.
•    On a daily basis, you guide your project team and customer through the delivery of every project, facilitating cooperation, giving advice and watching over the planning.
•    You maintain a clear overview of the various phases of the project and ensure that everything is in line with the predetermined scope, time and budget.
•    Quality is one of our key priorities. It goes without saying that you invest time and effort in uplifting quality and providing pride workmanship.
•    Within your project team, you’re seen as a trusted advisor and a leader. Projects are a team sport, not an individual discipline. 
•    Depending on your seniority you will coach junior PM’s and PMO’s.

Let's meet up!

Come and have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents, and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our PM community? Feel free to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. 

Click the Apply Now button below, and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners. 


recruitment process

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